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Have you made a resolution of going near to the almighty?

Hi people, first of all, apologies for the late wishes. A very happy new year to all of you! It is indeed a refreshing time period, with ...

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Expectations hurt not when they arise, but when they become filmy!

Most of our expectations, especially the ones associated with social and emotional relations, are derived from the close watch we keep on our surroundings, our sources of information and most importantly the movies we watch. Admit it or not, somewhere in the back of our reason or more commonly the subconscious mind, we do dream of or admire the beauty of the built up scenario we see, where friendship, love, surprises, fulfillment, contentment, etc., are so flawlessly portrayed that we fall in the trap of expecting the same for ourselves in real life. What follows is a herd of expectations that remain unfulfilled or under fulfilled.

While it is definitely important and a natural tendency to expect from every relation, it is also important to keep a tab on our expectations before they become unrealistic. What appears beautiful on screen is highly superficial and far from reality. Your friends may not turn the world upside down for you, but may still love you with all their heart. Your love may not bring the happiness of the whole world under your feet, or shower you with surprises every now and then, but their presence can bring you incomparable happiness. Likewise, your parents may not be able to provide you with all the luxuries and enviable lifestyle, but will stand with you in every damn phase of your life. Yes, if you don’t get even this much, you have a right to complain.

The ultra cool parent-child bond, the die-for-you friendships, the eternal love, the relations one feels too special about is highly subjective. Those who get it get a cherry on the cake; those who don’t, spend their lives vying for it and in sheer disappointment. To avoid all this it is therefore necessary to broaden your desires, up to the extent of what is possible for your near ones to accomplish. It is a sad reality, no doubt, but fighting with your own self over the dilemma of whether to expect or not, is better dodged by expecting in a defined limit. 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Have you made a resolution of going near to the almighty?

Hi people, first of all, apologies for the late wishes. A very happy new year to all of you!

It is indeed a refreshing time period, with lots of resolutions and determinations ringing in our minds. All sorts of make-self promises including, workout, find love, find a job, fix a home, date some more, get married and so on, fall in the category of worldly desires and fortunes. It gives contentment to our body, mind, social setup, etc. But what remains unnoticed and disregarded in the whole chaos of fulfilling the superficial wants, is the desire of the soul. We hardly bring about any resolutions that satisfy the little fraction of the almighty that resides within us, do we?

Now, the basic question that arises is; what is the need of the soul? Does it really need something to gratify it? Yes, it does. A constant communication with the God is what it needs. Just like a communication gap with our dear ones, leaves us deficient in life; similarly, being distant from its source leaves our soul lifeless.

But, we hardly care to invest some time for the cure of it. It is often the most difficult thing to do. We have time for all those things that we prioritize personally, but for the thing that prioritizes us or is for our own goodness. Why not take up a resolution to build a nice rapport and direct link with the almighty, which does not require a device or a setup but just a compassionate heart and meditation of an open soul? With each passing year this bond will increase and ultimately echoes back in the form of happiness.

Worth trying, isn’t it? :)